
Shaq Anthony has experienced some of life’s most trying times. However, you would never know when interacting with him what he endured to get to where he is today as his resilience and perseverance shines through. 

Often known for his musical ability, Shaq decided it was time to come from behind the drums and make room for his passion. He is committed to help develop, motivate and inspire people to become greater through the sharing of his story.

The author of ‘Purposefully Afflicted’ continues to help many overcome the idea that where they currently are is as far as they can go. He candidly shares some of the toughest battles he has faced, from a devastating loss at a young age to exercising the faith passed down from his mother while in the midst of his difficult undergraduate years. No matter what you've experienced, some aspect of his story will resonate with his audience.

As he continues his education, pursuing a masters degree in Organizational Leadership, his hope is that God uses his life and platform to empower, inspire and provoke people to look beyond their current circumstances and be who God has purposed for them to be.

Whether he’s making you laugh, mentoring teenage men or teaching the Word of God, the one thing he wants people to remember is "The only limits that exist are those that are self-inflicted limitations and with God anything is possible."

Shaq is the father to a beautiful, bright eyed girl, Sevaya. Currently residing in Grand Rapids, MI, this young innovator, father, and up & coming speaker, recognizes his responsibility in awakening the true identity in others as he pushes them to operate in the best versions of themselves.


Your purpose has to be so valuable to you that you’re willing to exceed all barriers and blockage to see it fulfilled
— Shaq Anthony


Acknowledge. Understand. Discover.

There is a constant parallel at work with these three words. In order to get to the next phases of life, one has to acknowledge what was. Many people spend a lifetime trying to adjust their past when it's meant for the future. One has to understand where they are now. The future can become such a priority that the present is lost in translation. Lastly, one has to discover their true purpose and calling. This can't be done without first acknowledging and understanding. Take a moment to acknowledge, understand, and discover.