Have you ever wanted to do something or accomplish something so bad you could almost taste it? Your mind, your heart, everything is focused on this thing. But then something comes to distract you and shift your focus? I'm sure this has happened to many of us, and sadly we let whatever comes against us slow us down or we completely give up on our dreams, goals and ideas. But what if the whole entire time we've spent complaining and wallowing in defeat was unnecessary? Could it be that we have everything we need within ourselves to overcome what seems to be inevitable?

I think that it is safe to say that anytime you're trying to do something that enhances who you are or builds you up, the presence of adversity will be evident. Why is it like that? So from the day you were born there was a plan and purpose for your life and the enemy knows that if the day comes that you ever realize who you are and what you possess, His ability to try and control you becomes void. His power is then limited and you're able to supersede everything that has tried to come your way.

So how do you push past adversity and beat the odds? It takes a level of commitment and confidence that can only come from within. You have to be relentless in pushing yourself daily and reminding yourself of who you are and what you've been called to do. You have to check your surroundings and those you deem closest to you. Your friends, family and your network can be a hindrance and distraction to where you're going and what you're trying to do.

You have to be willing to forgive and let go of any past or present hurts that have come from yourself, loved ones, friends, or whoever else may have caused you pain. Unforgiveness only harms you. It slows you down and it mentally drains your creativity and affects your well-being. Lastly, you have to remain before God, which is the most critical. He's the source and He's the one who's given you the vision and idea and also the strength and wisdom to be able to carry out the things he's called you to do.

I know you may sometimes look at yourself and even now you may still be questioning whether you're able to really overcome the odds. Let me share a little something about myself. When you look at me, you're looking at someone who lost his biological father at a young age, grew up in a single parent home for a period of time and watched his mom struggle to take care of three children, experienced a house fire that wiped out everything, dealt with depression and thoughts of suicide, had a baby out of wedlock, lost my stepfather who was critical in my life, and had my college freeze my account and almost withdrawal my classes, just to name a few. But if you look at me, you would never know. That's grace!

So my question is, if I was able to go through and come out, what makes you any different? The only difference between you and myself is that I've made up my mind to keep going no matter what. It is literally a decision and a mentality that doesn't waiver with time or circumstance. Dr. King once said,"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward." Know that you can do this. Know that you can rise to the top Against All Odds!